Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mora in his Own Words

"Most people in my shoes hire someone else to write their bio. They are told what to write, say, wear, and how to act. Well, I'm not and I never have been.

Every song I write tells a little bit more of my situations and if you listen carefully you might just catch a glimpse of the world through my eyes.

The songs are written by me but for people just like you, people who are trying to make a difference in the world; one relationship at time, one experience at a time.

Life's one big music video, it narrates emotion through sound and color, demanding attention through rhythm and motion. The stories we learn today create the soundtrack for tomorrow. Thank you for everyone's addition to my inspiration. My life moves because of you. I make music for myself, for God, and all the beautiful women in the world. I think you'll definitely hear a difference."

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